National Parks

Five Reasons to Go on a Hiking Holiday

Are you tired of your typical beach vacation or city break? Why not switch things up and go on a hiking holiday? Not only is hiking a great way to connect with nature, but it also offers numerous physical and mental health benefits. Plus, exploring new destinations and building relationships with friends and family can make for a truly unforgettable adventure.

In today's fast-paced...

These are the UK’s favourite national parks, as voted for by the public Lake District travel

These are the UK’s favourite national parks, as voted for by the public!

  • New research reveals which national park has been voted the UK’s favourite, as well as which ones Brits most want to visit in the future
  • Lake District comes out on top for both, with New Forest and Loch Lomond among the top choices

Ever wondered what the nation’s favourite national park really is?

From the vast wilderness of Loch Lomond and The...