European road trip

Car rental data suggests the best-rated holiday locations for a road trip travel

Car rental data suggests the best-rated holiday locations for a road trip

Car rental data suggests the best-rated holiday locations for a road trip

When on holiday, hiring a car can unlock a wide range of possibilities, allowing for easier access when exploring a foreign country, it can be particularly useful on family holidays to avoid the hassle of public transport in large numbers.

To find out more about consumer habits when it comes to holiday car hire...

Driving to Europe may be the saviour of Brits holidays as major airport plans cap on flights travel

Driving to Europe may be the saviour of Brits’ holidays as major airport plans cap on flights

Driving to Europe may be the saviour of Brits’ holidays as major airport plans cap on flights Tens of thousands of Brits are facing holiday disappointment and chaos as major airlines are forced to pull flights this summer. The situation has been made even more challenging by Heathrow announcing its plan to put a cap on passengers this summer, as staff shortages continue to cause disruption.
