rock climbing

Discover true adventure with a holiday in the Faroe Islands travel

Throw yourself off cliffs, dive in icy waters and paddle beneath sheer rock faces: Discover true adventure with a holiday in the Faroe Islands

Throw yourself off cliffs, dive in icy waters and paddle beneath sheer rock faces: Discover true adventure with a holiday in the Faroe Islands

Did you know that there is nowhere in the Faroe Islands that is further than 5km (3 miles) from the sea? With 18 volcanic islands, separated by narrow, fast-flowing fjords, the ocean has always been a hugely important part of Faroese life.


adventure holidays North Wales Byway Travel

Slow travel company, Byway, launches new multi-stop adventure trip in North Wales

Flight free travel company Byway partners with DMO Go North Wales to bring the slow travel trend to North Wales

Getting to the UK’s top outdoor adventure spots used to mean cars, motorway queues and lots of carbon emissions, but slow travel company Byway is fixing that by partnering with Go North Wales to make public transport easier to navigate.

North Wales rivals New Zealand or...