Jamaica food

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival Celebrates the World’s Best Tasting Coffee

Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival Celebrates the World’s Best Tasting Coffee

Coffee lovers worldwide unite and honour one of the world’s most sought-after coffee beans at the 6th annual Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee Festival. This year the festival marketplace takes place on Saturday 25th March in its usual home, the historic Newcastle Parade Grounds in St. Andrew, Jamaica.

Regarded as one of the best coffees in the world, Blue Mountain Coffee is grown on the...

Vegan-friendly Jamaica

Vegan-friendly Jamaica

Increasing numbers of people are introducing more plant-based food to their diets or becoming fully vegan. With food being such an integral part of travel, traditional Rastafarian Ital food is a fantastic way to try a new cuisine, and a delicious and healthy vegan lifestyle!

The home of reggae is not only known for its music, beautiful beaches, and warm people but also its...