European destination

Greece is revealed to be the top European destination for sailing holidays

Greece is revealed to be the top European destination for sailing holidays

Greece has been named as the best country to book a sailing holiday in Europe, by the team at Uswitch . The findings come as part of the new Adventure Index Campaign , which has researched the best European countries to visit for action-packed travel and holidays.

The campaign launch follows news that UK travel restrictions are being eased by the government .

Owing largely...

Colosseum Rome Italy UK holiday travel

Holidays to Italy shown the red card by half of UK holidaymakers

The latest research by Butter , the UK’s only Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) travel agency, has revealed that 53% of us would be unlikely to opt for Italy as a holiday destination after the Euro final heartbreak the Italian national team delivered recently.

It’s been a whirlwind of emotions from the opening victory against Croatia, the historic win over Germany, the thumping of Ukraine,...